Ta-daaa! Here is the finished page. This only took me about 20 minutes to do.
For the background I decided to use watercolour pencils. They're such great tools as they're so quick and easy to use and they take much less clearing up than paint.
The general rule with watercolour pencils is 'the more the merrier' as you get a really intense colour. Another great feature is that you can blend colours in the same way as normal watercolour paints.
As you may have seen in my previous posts, I use a lot of cutouts from magazines in my art. For this page I chose a photograph of a model from the waist upwards and decided to add on a crazy skirt made from patterned paper. The idea of using these cutouts is to expand on top of them.
Once the collage was stuck onto the page, I shaded around the
edges with a drawing pencil and then a black biro pen to make it
stand out.
Here it is! The page completed with the quote. I hope you enjoyed this post and that it has shown you just how quick and easy it is to create a sketchbook page.
Until next time...
Emma x
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