My own little space to share my artistic journeys and fulfill my ambition to inspire...

Saturday, 28 May 2016

A (re)Introduction & Edinburgh things

Hello everyone!
I realise that it has been a ridiculously long time since my last post and I can only apologise as this past year has been extremely busy. Here is a short re-introduction into Confessions of an Artaholic and a glimpse at some of the places and things that have been inspiring me recently.

In September I upped sticks and moved to the wonderful city of Edinburgh to study at university. Not only the fact that I've been studying History of Art there, but the city itself has inspired me and expanded my art knowledge beyond recognition. And no surprise: it’s bloody gorgeous!

This is a painting that I fell in love with on Rose Street on one of my first trips to Edinburgh.

I was particularly inspired by the majestic beauty of Edinburgh’s Calton Hill (one of the best places to see sunset in the city) to create this canvas for my boyfriend on Valentine’s day. For the background I collaged Robert Burns poems, using the magic, must-have ingredient of gesso on top to create a chalky surface to paint on. Then I washed this with watercolour and painted the foreground details on top with acrylics. Layering with different materials is my favourite way of creating landscapes.

Moving to a city rich in history and culture has had a profound effect on the way I think about art and the everyday details that could be turned into art. Studying the History of Art has enhanced my analytical and observational skills and offered an insight into why an artist may create or present something in a certain way. Over the coming months I hope not only to share my artwork, but my analysis and opinions of issues in the art world along with exhibition reviews. Think of this as a rebirth, (a renaissance if you will) of this here art blog.

Having a deeper understanding and appreciation of art can enhance your creativity massively, and that is what I’m hoping to share with you. Thank you for joining me on this new leg of my artistic journey!
